Burnt Pots and Pans - How to Clean



From all natural ingredients to the more industrial approaches, here are some of our favorite solutions to clean burnt pots and pans we found online:

Number 1: We like this because it uses natural, and probably already-in-your-home ingredients.

How to Clean Burnt Pots and Pans ~ Natural Cleaning Trick by Jessica

“Today I am sharing a cleaning trick with you that I had to learn out of pure desperation.  I’m going to share how to clean burnt pots and pans the natural way so maybe you won’t have to throw your pans away.  I have thrown a few old pots out in the past, but this has been my favorite one for years, so I had to try and save it!…

… The next morning, I was going to just throw the entire thing in the trash, but decided to try a tip that I had read about years ago.  I love cleaning with baking soda and vinegar, so I decided to give it a try…


Number 2: Here’s a way to save your pots that uses a boiling water technique:

How to Clean Burnt & Scorched Pans: Watch the Video

What You Need

1 cup of vinegar

2 tablespoons of baking soda

1 cup of water (give or take depending on the size of your pan)

A burnt stainless steel pan that was left empty and unattended on a heated gas or electric stove. oops!.

A scourer, because I can’t find any way to avoid it entirely

Number 3: A great list of a variety of cleaning solutions for burnt and scorched pots and pans AND ovens, too!

How to Clean Scorched Pots and Befouled Ovens

Number 4:  …and you thought Bob Vila only fixed up old houses…

How To: Clean Burnt Pans

Don’t throw out that scorched pot or pan just yet! Get burnt pans spic-and-span again with this fast and fun six-step approach.

“…Although commercial solvents promising to clean burnt pans do exist, some can introduce chemicals into your cooking or even damage the delicate surface of your stainless steel or ceramic cookware. Fortunately, with natural household ingredients and this guide on how to clean burnt pans, you can safely wash up scorched pots and pans, prolong the life of your cookware, and—most importantly—get cooking again!”

Number 5: The New Patented Preventative Solution

Naturally we are biased, but here is our choice to prevent burnt pots or pans: BurnerAlert Stove Reminder.

Until now there has been no preventive solution to burning a pot or pan. Now you can use BurnerAlert to remind you that the stove burner has been left on if you forget. For much less than the cost of your burnt pot or pan you can add BurnerAlert to your stove knobs and be reminded that your stove is on.

Read More here…    or Watch this 19 second video