I Left the Gas Stove On. What do I do next?

Left Burner On?

Have you left the gas stove on and forget it was on? Below are the Consequences and Solutions. How can I be reminded that my stove burner is on if I keep forgetting?


Left the Gas Burner On? We have all forgot the stove was on. You are not alone, tens of thousands of people each day become distracted from cooking, forget and leave the burner on, and most of the time with no serious consequence. However, kitchen cooking remains the number one cause of home fires and home injuries, some with deadly consequences. (See National Fire Protection Association). The NFPA has provided a graph below showing how cooking is the leading cause of home fires. So, what should I do if I forget my stove burner was left on? Below are are range of consequences and solutions that you will find when you search using these search terms, “left stove on”, “gas left on”, “left burner on”, “left gas burner on all day”, “left gas burner on with no flame” :

Home Cooking Equipment Fires 20102014
Home Cooking Equipment Fires 20102014

“I Left the Gas Stove On” –  The Consquences:

  1. Several answers from searching the internet with the search query “left the gas stove on”:
    1. ANS: from Quora, author Geoffrey , Chemical Engineer (2006-present)”This isn’t theoretical, it happens not uncommonly, both accidentally and on purpose.Both gas and electric stoves automatically control their output and will run at a more or less constant temperature indefinitely. That means you’ll waste some gas or electricity, and mildly heat the house.My mom once accidentally left a pot of water boiling on the stove over a low heat and went to bed. When she woke up, all the water had boiled away, and the pot had been warped into uselessness by being heated while dry for several hours. On another occasion, I left my apartment having forgotten I was boiling beans on the stove. When the water boiled away, the beans burned and fused into the pot, and my landlord went in because the fire alarm was going off. The place smelt terrible and the pot was a total loss, but nothing else happened.”
    2. ANS: from diystackexchange, click here for article  “Most likely, someone turned the knob the wrong way by accident when they shut the burner off. However, the paranoid side of me is thinking “sabotage”. Is coming home to a burner set on low something to be suspicious about? Even if it was an accident, what harm could there be from having a burner running this way unattended for hours (excluding the waste of gas or the risk of fire, I’m thinking along the lines of gas leak or something nonobvious)? Is there a legitimate use for doing that, such as heating a pot of water to humidify the room?

“I Left the Gas Stove On” –  The Solutions:

  1. Several answers f
    1. ANS: from Rivals, Author Bamagrad75“If you left the gas on & it was lit, there’s no problem and you shouldn’t be having any effects.Now, if you left the gas on & the burner wasn’t lit, then just open some windows & stay away for a little bit”
    2. ANS: from thekitchn author: ptea  “I turn on the hood light every time I turn on the stove. The light gets turned off when I turn off the stove. This way I won’t forget that I have something simmering on the stove if I have to walk away.” 
    3. ANS: from thekitchn, author: editor  Faith Durand   “Gina, yikes! This is definitely scary. We’ve forgotten to turn off the oven plenty of times, and that’s bad enough, but the stove is even worse. Can you hang a reminder note on the front door, perhaps? Or above the stove?”

“Gas Stove Left On?” –  The Ultimate Stove reminder Solution is BurnerAlert:

  1. BurnerAlert the stove alert sensor will gently remind you that your stove is on if you forget.
  2. Add the BurnerAlert sensor, the small plastic disc to each stove knob and let BurnerAlert do all the work.
  3. BurnerAlert stove alert sensor beeps and blinks at pre-programmed intervals until you turn off the stove knob.
  4. Read More about BurnerAlert on our FAQ page